Annual Banquet

What is the banquet?

Formally known as the Annual Meeting, the Banquet is held in late January each year. It’s a time for dairy producers and industry professionals to gather. The evening includes a catered meal, a keynote speaker, business updates, and a scholarship awards ceremony.

2024 Banquet

On Monday, January 29, 80 producers and industry professionals gathered at the Dordt Agricultural Stewardship Center in Sioux Center.

The highlight of the evening was hearing from our keynote speaker, Michele Payne. Michele shared with us the importance of caring for ourselves as agriculturalists while also being passionate about sharing our stories.

Guests also heard from our Iowa Dairy Princess, Ashley Elsbernd, along with updates from ISDA/MDA representative, Mariah Busta.

Additionally, 3 students were awarded a $1,000 scholarship. Those students were: Sarah Vacura, Colton Pepin, and Emery Blankespoor.