Board of Directors

Who can serve on the board?

The Western Iowa Dairy Alliance Board of Directors is composed of 12 members—8 dairy producers and 4 industry partners.  Board members can serve 3, two-year terms and new board members are decided upon by the recommendation of current board members. 

Fred Hall, northwest Iowa ISU extension dairy specialist, and Mariah Busta, Iowa State Dairy Association/Midwest Dairy Association, are also invited to all board meetings.

What do board meetings look like?

Board meetings are typically held on the second Friday of the month at the ISU Extension office in Orange City.  Meetings are held at 11:30 a.m.  Meetings are scheduled for one hour; two hours maximum. Board meetings may be rescheduled or changed to a conference call by the Board President.

What are the positions?

  • President- 2-year term → must be a dairy producer, executive officer, control business & affairs.

  • Vice President- 2-year term → must be a dairy producer, Chair over nomination committee & is in charge of finding replacement board members. Monitors actions & activities for the alliance → helps stay on task with goals. Helps new board members with developing leadership skills. 

  • Secretary- 2-year term and is elected in the alternating years of the Treasurer. Keep meeting minutes. Keep membership addresses & records in order. 

  • Treasurer- Serves a 2-year term and is elected in the alternating years of the Secretary. Responsible for all funds, receipts, deposits; anything regarding finances.

  • Past President - Maximum of 2-year term —> 1 year to help the President and Vice President elevate into their roles.

  • Director - Implement board policy. Respond to member needs. Support committee activities. Serve as a spokesperson for the organization. Provide suggestions and strategies for reaching goals. Focus on cost control. Complete tasks for the organization’s objectives.

What are board member expectations?

  • Express a passion for the Dairy industry

  • Possess responsibility, integrity, and a team-based mentality 

  • Serve a 3 year term

  • Determine mission, vision, and purpose

  • Attend the yearly retreat in February

  • Engage in strategic planning

  • Engage and invite producers and industry leaders to be members

  • Enhance WIDA’s public image

  • Effective fiscal management

  • Promote a climate of trust, respect, and teamwork

  • Avoid personal conflicts

Past President: Adam Maassen

President: Kurt Wierda

Vice President: Keith Schelling

Treasurer: Chris Garris

Secretary: Samantha Van Der Wiede

James Knevelbaard: MBF Feeds

Stephanie DeVries: V.A.S

Jorli Hauge: Boehringer-Ingelheim

John VanderWaal

VanderWaal Dairy

Tim Stetson: Post Equipment LLC.

Joe Wilcox: Cornbelt Dairy

Mariah Busta: MDA/ISDA

Eli Dykstra: Dykstra Dairy

Jamie Johnson: United Animal Health

Kylie Nettinga: Executive Director/M&M Dairy

Fred Hall: ISU Extension & Outreach