Brockshus Dairy

Travis, Emma & Bruce Brockshus.

Between the Iowa/Minnesota border lies Brockshus Dairy; home to 700 Holstein cows. In 1978, Bruce Brockshus purchased the farm and started milking a small herd and farming row crops. The parlor was originally a stanchion barn.

In 1990 the farm grew to 40 cows and the parlor changed to a step-up barn. Around that time, Bruce's son Travis gained an interest in the farm and began farming with him.

From there, Travis' family members, his wife Katie and his daughter Emma, also took interest in the farm. This interest spurred the family on to advance their parlor system, and become concentrated to dairy, while still farming row crops.

Today, Brockshus Dairy includes 700 cows, 2 Lely Robots, and the continued use of the step-up parlor for about 400 of their cows.

In the future, the Brockshus family is most excited to continue to seek advancements in technology to better their herd and create higher efficiency. Daily they enjoy the challenges that come with dairy farming and working through those to prayerfully come out stronger than where you started.

As they look towards the future, the advice that they lean into to keep moving forward is "no on likes a quitter, " and "quit slackin' and make it happen." In short, the Brockshus family would encourage each of you to keep moving forward; even when things can look dim. Seek out the positives and remember why you do what you do.


M&M Dairy