Great Heritage Holsteins

Nestled on the top of a hill near the Iowa/Minnesota border you will find the home of 50 Holsteins and the family of Leroy and Kolette Eggink. 

Starting in 1978, Leroy and Kolette began the dairy with just 20 Holstein cows. By 2001, they had added 30 more cows and had a mix of purebred Jerseys & Holsteins but really wanted to get back to just Holsteins. Throughout their growth period they worked really hard on obtaining the best genetics within their herd; specifically their Holsteins. 

Due to their hard work in producing the best Holsteins, the Eggink family began showing soon after their herd growth in 2001. Over the years they have been able to go to several different shows and enjoy the community that comes with showing cattle.

Leroy is the sole employee at Great Heritage Holsteins and shared that he truly feels that he gets to live the dream everyday. It’s his faith in God that has carried him through the ups and downs of the dairy industry.

The Eggink’s operate a 50 tie stall barn near Sibley, IA.


Huitink Dairy


M&M Dairy