Huitink Dairy

The Huitink Dairy began in the 1950s, founded by Henry Huitink, the father of the current owner, Harlan Huitink. Over the years, the farm has seen significant growth and development. Initially a modest operation, the farm has increased the number of cows and added a free stall barn to improve the comfort and management of the herd. Heifer sheds were built to raise their own heifers, ensuring a steady and healthy supply of future milking cows. The addition of automatic take-offs has brought more automation to their operation, increasing efficiency and reducing manual labor. Throughout all these changes, the farm has always remained a family farm, with everyone pitching in to help.

Farm Demographics Today

Huitink Dairy is home to 100 cows, primarily Holsteins, black and white, as well as red and white. The farm utilizes a flat parlor equipped with 8 stanchions that feature automatic take-offs, ensuring efficient milking processes. In addition to dairy farming, they also raise corn and alfalfa for feed, contributing to a sustainable and self-sufficient operation.

Family Members Involved in the Farm

The Huitink Dairy is truly a family affair. Harlan (dad), Nelva (mom), and Bryce (son) are all integral parts of the farm, each contributing their unique skills and dedication to ensure its success.

What Excites You About Being Part of the Dairy Industry?

The dairy industry is filled with endless opportunities. It's a field that requires selflessness, with hard work being a common thread that ties everyone together. From farm to farm, everyone contributes equally, making it a truly collaborative and supportive community.

Piece of Encouragement

In the demanding world of dairy farming, it's essential to maintain a positive attitude. Remember, tomorrow is a new day, and with it comes the opportunity to make it the best day yet. Your hard work and dedication play a crucial role in feeding the world, and that's something to be immensely proud of.

Together, let's embrace each new day with optimism and continue to support the vital work of the dairy industry.


Van Ess Dairy


Great Heritage Holsteins